Everyone is looking for the best.
We look for the right people.
Taking part in shaping change. Staying one step ahead of tomorrow’s challenges today. Growing together in an evolving industry. Acting in a value-based and responsible manner.
Overcoming limits.
This is what it means to work at DEUFOL.
Over 3000 employees in more than 90 locations worldwide give their best every day to overcome a wide range of obstacles in our industry so that DEUFOL, and they as individuals, can continue to grow.
on three continents
their best every day
"Means to me: Close connection to the workforce - this creates trust."
Head of Markets
"At DEUFOL, you can start small and achieve great things...."
Senior Corporate Manager Box Engineering
"As a working student, I am also part of the regular feedback meetings at DEUFOL. We place high value on feedback at all levels."
Werkstudentin Finance
"I would say the management board deliberately seeks to be close to the employees especially through the DEUFOL WITH YOU EVENTS."
Head of Markets
"Community. Appreciation. Tolerance. We are a diverse workforce where people learn from each other and with each other."
Professional HR
"For me, innovation means seeing change as an opportunity."
Specialist Kaizen
DEUFOL Hamburg GmbH
"We at Deufol can only be as strong as each individual member of our Deufol family. Therefore, the well-being and satisfaction of each individual is close to our hearts and is therefore constantly encouraged."
Box Engineering
Mülheim an der Ruhr
“This means for me to develop innovations and process improvements together and strengthen the cohesion with colleagues through a family atmosphere in order to be able to grow together as a team.”
Supervisor Spare Parts & Logistics
Long term and vision.
Everyone pulls together.
Ideas count, not the hierarchy level.
Career opportunities for all target groups - from industrial operators and junior staff to commercial specialists and management. Professional as well as personal development are in line with the corporate strategy within the framework of the DEUFOL Academy.
Personal development through structured feedback sessions. An open door policy with a management who is always listening, and regular surveys to ensure feedback is incorporated into strategic and operational reviews. We want to involve everyone.
Short decision-making paths. Dynamic processes. Opportunity to share ideas with management.
Think Global, Act Local. Colleagues from international locations in over ten different countries. Intercultural exchange and collaboration.
We are constantly reinventing ourselves. The focus is on the digitization of processes. Your creativity and suggestions for solutions are valuable and taken seriously.
Complete transparency about the DEUFOL world through regular ‘DEUFOL with YOU’ events. We offer our employees a growing range of benefits such as corporate benefits and mobile office.
Overcoming boundaries together. Learning from mistakes together. Being successful together.
We are looking for you!
Experienced Professionals
You are joining a dynamic family business where you can contribute directly to its success and experience:
- Varied tasks and responsibilities, no day is like the next.
- Flat hierarchies and short routes to management as well as a dynamic, international and agile environment are characteristics of DEUFOL. Career Development for all: opportunities to specialise in specific areas or gain skills across new tasks and departments.

DEUFOL investiert besonders in Talente – Mit der Übernahme von spannenden und verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben sowie einer individuellen Karriereplanung stehen Ihnen alle Türen im Unternehmen offen.
- Talent- & Karrierepfade zur individuellen Entwicklung sind uns wichtig
- Sie können früh die Verantwortung von Projekten übernehmen, gerne auch international
- Weiterbildungen innerhalb unserer DEUFOL Academy stehen Ihnen jederzeit offen
- Auch Management-Positionen werden gerne von internen Talenten besetzt

An apprenticeship / internship at DEUFOL offers you the chance to learn and develop skills in a variety of tasks whilst building industry knowledge and experience.
- You have the opportunity to get to know different work areas and locations.
- A mentor is on hand to answer any questions you have.
- A broad insight into the world of work help you prepare for your future career.
- Once your training is complete, your prospects of being taken on are very good.
Working Students and Interns
A student job or internship at DEUFOL gives you the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice through varied and exciting tasks.
- We take your timetable into account – your studies come first.
- We receive a lot of compliments from our current junior staff, because we trust them and hand over exciting projects for them to work on.
- Flat hierarchies and working at eye level with the entire staff – right up to the CEO – are a matter of course for us.
- A subsequent career start is very realistic: we have taken on 30% of our working students as permanent members of our team upon completion of their studies.
Our recruiting team is looking forward to your application.
Corporate Professional Human Relations