Our DEUFOL packaging innovations

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Why innovation is needed right now
The requirements for sustainable solutions increase from year to year. For this reason, we are continuously improving our products – for example, by using CO2-neutral materials, making savings in the manufacturing process or by applying reusable systems. In doing so, we draw not least on our decades of experience with industrial goods as a source of innovation. Our declared goal is to avoid waste without compromising on function, design and quality. In this way, we support our customers in making their value chains even more sustainable.
Benefit from our DEUFOL Standard now
By applying the sustainable DEUFOL packaging standard, which is optimised for material use, you can contribute to more sustainability and at the same time compensate for sharply rising raw material prices. For example, all the data of your goods to be packaged flows into our D-SCS, is summarised there and forms the foundation for your needs-based packaging. As a result, you achieve enormous material savings with our alternative packaging material, unnecessary work steps are reduced to a minimum and from the knowledge gained, new innovations can in turn be developed.

The right transport boxes at any time with our BoxCAD system
With our state-of-the-art BoxCAD system, we design the transport packaging tailored to your needs. Simply let us construct your own box for your chosen shipping route and let us put together the right solution using the DEUFOL algorithm. The result: The best possible transport crate for the product to be packaged, less cost and effort, lower CO2 emissions and thus a better eco-balance for your company!
More sustainability through our DS-Box and Conpal
Do you ship goods in containers and want to make the best possible use of the available storage space? With our ConPAL container pallets and DS system boxes, we offer you the right solution. Our products can be combined with each other in a modular and intelligent way, interlock together and fill unused container storage space almost without gaps. In this way, we provide you with significantly higher loading efficiency and reduce your costs and CO2 emissions in the shortest possible time.

You too can benefit from our DEUFOL packaging innovations
Are you and your company ready to take the next step on the way to innovative solutions? Would you like to benefit from tomorrow’s trends today? Then simply contact us now and let one of our DEUFOL experts advise you personally. We will answer your individual questions and are sure to find a solution that is tailored to your requirements!